  >  Moving   >  Understanding The Different Kinds of Moving Estimates
A Mover is Estimating Moving Costs at the Client's Request

As you probably already heard, moving will take up an enormous amount of your time and energy. In addition, you’ll also need quite a bit of money. The amount of money you’ll need to spend depends on several factors, while the most important one is definitely the chosen moving method. Moving estimates are part of the process.

In fact, there are a couple of moving methods to choose from, including DIY moves (moving completely by yourself), hiring movers for the entire job, or even hybrid methods (for example, renting a moving truck or one worker for help).

If you decide to hire professional movers, chances are you don’t completely understand the different kinds of moving estimates. Before you agree on any type of moving contract, we highly recommend checking out and understanding the different kinds of moving estimates.

Binding Estimates

What is a binding estimate? This document guarantees a fixed cost that is usually based on the approximate weight of your belongings. If you agree to a binding estimate, you’ll pay the original quote. There is no way that movers will be allowed to change the price later on during the move. The binding estimates include the price of labor, other charges, and even materials.

However, keep in mind that the same goes for customers. What does this mean for you? If your items end up weighing less on the day of the move, you’ll still have to pay the same price. Even though a binding estimate is definitely not an ideal choice, it still has many benefits you should consider. First things first, it’s a great way to secure yourself from shady movers overpaying and trying to get the best of you on a moving day. The best way to get a good binding estimate is by contacting several moving companies and getting a couple of estimates. This way, you can choose the best and cheapest possible option.


Even though by signing a binding estimate, you can overpack and move a larger amount of items for the same price, we highly recommend you avoid these tactics. Besides being non-ethical, you’re risking a lot of frustration and movers performing a lousy job when it comes to moving your belongings. So, it’s best to stay fair. However, if you have added two or three boxes, that shouldn’t represent a problem as long as you’re dealing with a truly professional company.

Keep in mind that certain companies will not stand for adding additional items, meaning that both sides need to agree on the specific terms. The desired moving company might ask you to change the binding agreement into a non-binding agreement. So, make sure to explore the terms before you sign anything.

A Woman Is Calculating The Moving Costs Based On The Given Estimation

Non-Binding Estimate

A non-binding estimate is completely different from a binding estimate, as the name says. Although a non-binding estimate is a quote based on the number of your belongings, the final price of the move will be decided on a moving day. We do not recommend choosing a company that offers only a non-binding estimate as an option because, in most cases, they are trying to overcharge the price. These are often used as a basis when it comes to the price and is a good starting point.

Binding Not-to-Exceed Estimate

Although similar to a binding estimate, a binding not-to-exceed estimate sets the maximum price you’ll have to pay. The maximum price is absolutely guaranteed, meaning that you won’t go wrong with choosing to sign this estimate. In addition, if the final weight or distance is less than the already set maximum parameters, you’ll be entitled to a lower price.

If you are unsure about the final amount of your belongings or distance, we recommend signing a binding not-to-exceed estimate as it represents your best option. It will provide you with a sense of security which is very important when it comes to stressful moves, especially if it’s your first time moving.

In-Home Estimate

Moving on to a more physical type of estimate, an in-home estimate is based on an actual meeting where the specific person from the moving company comes to your home and takes a look at all of the items they will be moving. The moving company’s representative is there to visit your home and assess the weight and size of your belongings while providing you with the most accurate estimate possible. Usually, in-home estimates are the most accurate. However, they take the longest to obtain, and you’ll need to schedule a meeting with the desired moving company. So, if you’re in a rush, in-home estimates will not work for you in most cases. If you desire to work with a company on an in-home estimate basis, it would be wise to start planning a move a couple of months in advance.

An Estimator From the Moving Company is Doing an Estimation

Instant Estimate

Like the name says, an instant estimate is very fast and effective since you can obtain it easily and very quickly. You won’t have to meet with a representative from the moving company. An instant estimate is based on the information you fill out online or provide to a support agent on the phone. An instant estimate is a great way to get an idea of the actual cost of the move, but keep in mind that sometimes instant estimates can be very far from accurate.


All in all, the best way to minimize the cost of your move is by taking enough time to plan and organize. In addition, you’ll need to decide whether you want to hire professional movers or go completely DIY. Keep in mind that renting a moving truck might be a good idea too. When it comes to different kinds of moving estimates, you’ll need to explore all available options before making a final decision. Moving estimates are correlated with some of the most popular questions about moving, like how much it costs to hire movers. Furthermore, you can use various moving estimates to compare local moving companies.

So, don’t forget to get a couple of estimates and decide on the best possible option. If you are having trouble with making the final decision, feel free to ask family and friends for help while also communicating with the desired moving agency. Stay tuned for more interesting topics related to moving.

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