  >  Moving   >  10 Reasons Why You Should Move to California

Welcome to sunny California! The southwest state of the US and the topic of ours today video. This amazing state, nicknamed the Golden State, attracted people to settle long before it was nicknamed in 1849 during the Gold Rush. Even to this day, California is summoning people from all over the world to it.

California State

1. Money, money

According to state studies, California had a $3.1 trillion economy in 2019, making it the fifth biggest in the world. Nearly 764,000 employer companies and 19 million people make up its labor force. The federal government defines a small firm as one with 500 or fewer employees; more than 99 percent of those fall into this category. Additionally, according to figures made by the state, applications for new firms increased by 22.6 for the year ending in June 2021.

According to state statistics, every industry had job growth in 2021, except forestry and mining. US News ranked California’s economy as the 10th best in 2021.

2. Learning opportunities

A strong economy comes from something; in this case, we can say it is the strong educational system that California nurtures.

There is no denying that the Golden State is home to some of the world’s top universities. Therefore, moving to California to enroll in a reputable institution is not only a fantastic decision but also an excellent investment in your future, regardless of whether you want to pursue a bachelor’s degree or higher. Additionally, while residing in California’s top college cities, you’ll undoubtedly have a fantastic time and create lifelong memories.

3. Nature is lit

Some of the most stunning natural wonders in the country may be found in California, where its distinctive landscapes range from Lake Tahoe and Yosemite to Big Sur and Big Bear. Going on a weekend road trip in California can expose you to sandy beaches, mighty mountains, lovely valleys, or a combination of all three (and more!). But, of course, this depends on the route you decide to travel. We take the rarity of this phenomenon for granted while living in California, but we will miss it if we ever move elsewhere.

Nature is One of the Reasons Why You Should Move to California

4. Outdoor activities

The ideal setting for exhilarating experiences of any type includes captivating lakes, verdant woods, snow-capped mountains, and white sandy beaches. Living in California makes it nearly impossible to become bored; if you do, it is completely your own. There are several options to go on an adventure and discover a new location in California, whether you want to paraglide above Shasta Trinity National Forest or drive through neighborhoods in Palm Springs with attractive architectural designs.

This all correlates with the nature we mentioned and our next reason in the blog.

5. Look up the Sky

Besides great nature and plenty of outdoor opportunities, you need great weather to enjoy those.

Do you find the idea of year-round sunshine appealing? What about pleasant summer breezes and frigid winters? California experiences more than 300 sunny days a year on average. That’s everyone’s dream type of condition if they are into sunny days and are summer lovers. Looking up, you will rarely see rainy clouds.

Go towards the hills if you like cooler climates. Mountain ranges in the state, such as the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades, may reach heights of more than 14,000 feet. Besides being the hottest place in North America, California is also home to Death Valley, probably the hottest spot on Earth.

California Beach

6. Cultural Variety

California’s citizens have come from diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, political, and economic origins since its beginnings. Yet, despite the diversity of our upbringings and views, their shared regard and admiration for variety and inclusiveness cannot be felt as clearly anywhere else. California celebrates all of them, whether it’s Chinese New Year, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or Pride Week. And you can be sure that you’ll have an army of people behind you who are prepared to stand up for each other against injustice.

7. Wine

The majority of the nation’s wine is produced in California. After relocating to the Golden State, you might want to visit California wine country, even if you don’t plan to settle there, to find out what all the hype is about. Living in California could give you the motivation to learn more about wine.

There is no shortage of excellent chardonnays and pinots in this wine-loving state, whether they are produced in Napa Valley or the Santa Barbara wine region. So make a weekend of it by stocking up at your neighborhood market or going right to the source.

8. Treat Your Taste Buds

The food of California is renowned worldwide, whether it is eaten at small, family-run restaurants or Michelin-starred, elite fine dining establishments. The Golden State’s culinary industry is among the most diversified and tasty in the nation due to its propensity to accept and encourage innovation and a diverse cultural landscape. Everywhere you walk in California, there is wonderful cuisine just a few steps away.

California Food

9. Entertainment

Some of the world’s most innovative and inspiring people are drawn to California. There is no shortage of well-known Californians who have been influencing the rest of the entertainment business for decades, from the countless Hollywood stars changing the film industry to the famous musicians who originate from the state. The lives of many of the most significant personalities in contemporary entertainment may imply that migrating to California is a step in the right direction if you believe that working in the creative industry is your calling.

And we have to remind you with one word, Hollywood.

10. Chance for a healthy life

Excellent weather and a wide variety of activities are two elements that support leading a healthy lifestyle.

According to US News, California is the healthiest state in the union. Its assessment considers several health factors, such as mortality rates, obesity, and smoking. The same rankings place the state’s healthcare system as the fifth best in the country.

Do you need additional proof? California has produced 122 Olympic gold medalists since 1924, more than any other state.

We think you should move to the Golden State for those ten reasons. If you agree or disagree with us, please write it in the comment section below. Please give us your reasons, and provide us with some new views.

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